Wednesday, February 5 2025

Macomber Love Revisited

Loving my Mac so much. It just works. Compared to my AVL everything is so cleanly designed and easy to use. The AVL is for going fast and making a ton of yardage. The Mac is for the sheer pleasure of weaving.

Loom Love

Loving my Mac so much. It just works. Compared to my AVL everything is so cleanly designed and easy to use. The AVL is for going fast and making a ton of yardage. The Mac is for the sheer pleasure of weaving.

Shredding warp

This warp is sadly unweavable. I thought the Poem Sock was spun tightly enough to stand up to the abrasion of the reed, but no dice. I think I am going to try cutting out the offensive warp, threading a replacement onto the second warp beam of this loom in its place, and tensioning the

Strickler 728

I’m setting up to weave a couple shawls in Strickler’s 728, and just realized the threading doesn’t allow for tabby/plainweave to make a ground for hemstitching the ends. How do folks handle this? Draft included for reference.

Valet Service

I discovered I can use my AVL as a warping valet for my Macomber. Hah!


Temple teeth are sharp!

Covid Doldrums

Weaving is keeping me sane. ish.

Weaving Done!

Love this!

Weaving progress

My morning’s work:

Custom Weft!

Scarlet Tang– The weft yarn could not be more perfect! Thanks for dyeing it for me!!! Huckleberry Knits folks– Scarlet’s dye work is amazing!!

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