Wednesday, February 5 2025

Two Projects

I have two projects on the loom right now, and other than both being fancy twills, they could not be more different. The first is a white cotton dish towel warp on my AVL. It is double beaten to get it to square, and with the AVL it just goes ZOOM. Even with setting a

End of thread on device

Reached the end of the towel and the end of the pirn at the same time! WINNING!

Weft Choices

Trying some different weft ideas. The navy is dominating the gradient. I like everything about the sky blue’s contrast with the warp gradient, except the color. I’ll never wear that. I think I need a saturated spring green. Not acid green– that would be too much. Something not far from the middle tone in the

Pause for the pretty

Weaving is just so damned pretty sometimes.

I <3 Macomber

First project.

Need Advice

Help me pick my next draft! Pictures of the beamed warp, and two drafts in close-up and at approximately the width of the cloth.

AVL is weaving. Finally.

It’s a fine loom, but we don’t suit. I will be selling it soon, now that I can vouch it is functional.

Loom of Sadness

I’m selling a 45″ Colonial I picked up this past spring. It should be looked at as a parts loom, not a functional loom as the uprights have warped, among other issues. I’m about $800 into it. Make me an offer- I’m in Seattle. It was born as a 16 shaft compu-dobby in the late


Finally got mine spinning effectively and without rattles after my third session of trying hacks. Reseating the larger bearing on the flyer shaft and adjusting the orifice reducer so it didn’t drag on the maiden/support was what took it from a vibrating thing with no take-up to a functional spinner. There is still work to

Loom Geometry

Next question on my new (to me) Macomber! I noticed last night that the path from the back beam to the front beam is several inches above where the heddle eyes are. This seems… wrong? Or at least counter to all previous jack looms I’ve worked on. Photos to illustrate. Am I missing something? Or

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